Flume Sales Training
After more than a decade of excelling in commercial roles in the media and events market, Raoul set up Flume in 2010 with the goal of helping B2B sales teams and commercial leaders to adapt in a constantly and rapidly evolving market. And that is what he does. His revolutionary way of changing thinking and behaviours has helped every Flume client drive long-term, sustainable growth in opportunities, business wins and revenue. At Flume, he uses research and his vast experience of the B2B markets to challenge the way traditional companies operate. He consistently motivates and inspires people to change the way they approach business to become top performers.
16 May 2024 11:45 - 12:15
Driving predictable revenue growth: Clone your high performers
Last year, 73% of salespeople missed their target. Perhaps an even more alarming stat, 23% of salespeople were responsible for 83% of the revenue. This leaves a huge gap in terms of what’s possible. By cloning your high performers, you can scale consistency, drive predictable pipeline growth and enable accurate forecasting. The question is, what are the high performers doing differently and how do you replicate this? In this session we will uncover: 1) The real cost of under-performing salespeople 2) What high performing reps are doing differently 3) How to drive performance to enable predictable sales growth

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Media partnership enquiries: Email Robyn

Ticket enquiries: Email Ayisha

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