Chief Revenue Officer
Fabian is a results-driven Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) with a strong track record of success in leading cross-functional teams and driving revenue growth in the enterprise technology sector. His career journey has taken him through various leadership roles, from building and leading the HPE Ezmeral software team in EMEA to driving success as the RVP for Central Europe and Benelux at MapR Technologies, later acquired by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
16 May 2024 16:45 - 17:15
From dreamcasting to forecasting: Leveraging data product management principles for accurate forecasting
In the fast-paced world of SaaS, the ability to predict future trends and customer needs with accuracy is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. Traditional forecasting methods, often based on intuition or incomplete data, resemble dreamcasting more than strategic planning. This session delves into how SaaS companies can transform their forecasting from speculative to precise by applying data product management principles.

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